This Guide is the ultimate Pharmacology quick reference source! This Guide provides a systematic overview of the key basic principles of Pharmacology, including: pharmacokinetic principles; drug classification sin relation to specific body systems. Each is provided in a clear and easy to read format, with appropriate administration, dosage, half life, and common...
An entirely new (and extremely effective) way to look at and learn differential equations. This 4-page laminated quick reference chart shows you how to work your way through first order equations, second order equations, high order linear equations, and their components.
Package Contains: 2 Blank Liberty Legal Forms 1 Full-size worksheet with step-by-step instructions Handy Quick Reference Guide This Liberty Legal Form: Explains employee duties and obligations Includes confidentiality clause States terms of employment and causes for termination Clearly states employee's wage and pay period Includes optional section for benefits and/or bonuses Is...
This laminated medical pocket of the reproductive system is illustrations with corresponding labels outline both the male and female reproductive systems in detail.
Classic Shakespeare! This Guide is an essential resource for anyone studying The Merchant of Venice. This Guide is an unparalleled study aid that will assist any student in their appreciation of this classic Shakespearean work. Background, key themes, a chapter by chapter summary, and the essential characters are effectively described.
Classic Shakespeare! This Guide is an essential resource for anyone studying Julius Caesar. This Guide is an unparalleled study aid that will assist any student in their appreciation of this classic Shakespearean work. Background, key themes, a chapter by chapter summary, and the essential characters are effectively described.
Classic Shakespeare! This Guide is an essential resource for anyone studying King Henry IV, Part 1. This Guide is an unparalleled study aid that will assist any student in their appreciation of this classic Shakespearean work. Background, key themes, a chapter by chapter summary, and the essential characters are effectively described.
A quick reference Guide to Cardiovascular Physiology. Heart functions, circulation, electrical conduction, and blood pressure, among other important heart facts, are explained in vivid details.
This Chemical Periodic Table Wallet Size chart (2.25" x 3.25") is an invaluable tool for anyone involved in the scientific field, and it goes everywhere you do. It contains key data on all the elements, conversion factors, physical constants, and chemical structures. Conforms to the current IUPAC (International Union of Pure...
Classic Shakespeare! This Guide is an essential resource for anyone studying Hamlet.This Guide is an unparalleled study aid that will assist any student in their appreciation of this classic Shakespearean work. Background, key themes, a chapter by chapter summary, and the essential characters are effectively described.
Package Contains: 2 Blank Liberty Legal Forms 1 Full-size worksheet with step-by-step instructions Handy Quick Reference Guide This Liberty Legal Form: Is used by individuals and Business & Business & Professional Development to document the terms and conditions involved in hiring an independent contractor Contract covers: Terms of Service Duration of Service...
T'ai Chi is known by many names - all of which mean basically the same thing, but spelled a little differently when translated into English (pronounced TIE CHEE). T'ai Chi is a kind of "soft" martial art that originated in or around China about 1,200 years ago. It is generally believed to have...
This Chemical Periodic Table Pocket Size Chart is an invaluable tool for anyone involved in the scientific field, and it goes everywhere you do. It contains key data on all the elements, conversion factors, physical constants, and chemical structures. Conforms to the current IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied...
The human Circulatory System is described in this comprehensive quick reference Guide through the effective use of full colour diagrams and corresponding text. The Circulatory System is examined from 6 separate perspectives for ease of reference, with its specific components numbered to provide a clear linkage to the proper anatomical term.
Classic Shakespeare! This Guide is an essential resource for anyone studying King Lear. This Guide is an unparalleled study aid that will assist any student in their appreciation of this classic Shakespearean work. Background, key themes, a chapter by chapter summary, and the essential characters are effectively described.
See how the law and procedures behind the sale and the leasing of goods are made clear with this effective Guide! This helpful Guide provides the reader with a comprehensive Guide to the Sale and lease of goods in the context of both the Uniform Commercial Code and general common law...
This Guide is the ultimate Yoga quick reference source! This Guide provides a systematic overview of the key basic principles of Yoga, a discipline that combines exercises and various relaxation techniques. The Guide includes: yoga types; health benefits; proper warm up and stretching exercises; postures. Each is described with the aid of...
This 4.5" 6.75" laminated pocket quick reference chart outlines symptoms and treatment for a wide range of diseases, such as acne, impetigo, arthropods, sexually transmitted disease, hair & nails, viral diseases, superficial fungal infections, and vitligo.
This quick reference Guide is the ultimate reference for the human Brain and its related systems! The human Brain is described in this comprehensive Guide with the effective use of full colour diagrams, and corresponding text. The Brain is examined from 7 separate perspectives for ease of reference, with its specific...
An American Classic! This 4-page laminated novel quick reference Guide is an essential resource for anyone studying Death of a Salesman. This Guide is an unparalleled study aid that will assist any student in their appreciation of this classic work of American literature. Background, key themes, a chapter by chapter summary, and...
This Guide provides a wealth of useful terminology and explanations of basic musical concepts in a single format. Of benefit to music students and music lovers of all ages, essential music structures such as scales, keys, chords, and timing are defined. Helpful diagrams of all fundamental scales are provided in an easy...
This laminated medical pocket Guide is the ultimate reference for the human Brain and its related systems! The human Brain is described in this comprehensive Guide with the effective use of full colour diagrams, and corresponding text. The Brain is examined from 7 separate perspectives for ease of reference, with its...
The eternal fascination that humans hold for these great creatures is well captured in this concise quick reference Guide. The reader has convenient access to descriptions of each of the eras in which dinosaurs ruled their earth, coupled with convenient references that link dinosaur species to their physical descriptions and...
Know how to maximize the nutritional value of the foods you eat with this handy Guide! This Guide provides four pages of essential information concerning the nutritional values of over 100 different foods in an easy to follow concise reference format. The relationship between nutritional value and the use of...