News and Information — Permacharts


How to Land that Killer Summer Job 0

For some students finding that first summer job is a daunting experience for those looking to get their feet wet in the world of paid work. I found this article from Dr. Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D. that outlines the steps one needs to take to land that perfect summer job. He has some great tips for first timers and for young adults that want to advance over their last summer job. Before you take off to read his advice, be sure to pick up our Permacharts guides on How to Write a Great Resume



Here the link to the story:

Permacharts Partners with Educents! 0

We are proud to announce that Permacharts has partnered with Educents, one of the leading provider of discounted education products to schools and homeschooler’s alike. So, how does it work?  Educents is an online marketplace for affordable educational products, providing daily deals to students, parents and educators by working with established educational suppliers. Whether it is a science kit, curriculum pack, books or art supplies, they make sure that Educents has the lowest price.

Since the launch of Educents in April, 2013, Educents has saved educators over $15 million dollars and has helped more than 130,000 teachers, homeschoolers and parents gain access to affordable educational materials.

Be sure to check them out today. The Permacharts storefront can be found here

What is your Learning Style 0

We all learn differently, so that is not really news however what is important is everyone needs to understand what learning style works best for them. We found this interesting article for 2013 that it is still relevant today so have a read

Always keep this in mind; regardless of how you learn Permacharts are the go-to for those that want to learn any subject fast. Happy learning everyone.



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