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How Promotional Products Complement and Supplement Marketing Arsenals 1

Nothing breaks the ice like a free gift. But promotional products do more than just introduce businesses; they enhance perceived value. In other words, promotional products reflect positively onto the advertiser by creating strong first impressions and rendering tangible brands. Ultimately, this helps unify campaigns by drawing elements of larger entities into customers’ day-to-day lives.

Usability, Durability and Longevity

Promotional products inherently possess something called pass-along value, a factor businesses can measure based on three criteria: usability, durability and longevity. An unpractical product will not resonate with customers or demonstrate quality. Nor will a functional product made cheaply or flimsily. This is because durability and longevity affect shareability—how many hands a promotional product reaches by the end of its lifecycle. The more a product is passed along, the more it does for brand awareness and recognition.

PERMACHARTS FACTOID: A Permachart in print form is copied and shared over 100 times each.


Permacharts Sales Aids from Permacharts on Vimeo.


Don’t consumers just throw promotional items away when they get home?

No, they don’t. It’s easy to dismiss branded items as “trinkets and trash” that will disappear as soon as the nearest waste can is found. Research shows, however, most consumers will keep promotional items they consider useful, such as tote bags and writing instruments. In fact, usefulness is often cited as the most important reason why consumers keep an item.

Also, keep in mind that when consumers keep a branded item they tend to keep it an average of one years. During that time, the advertiser’s brand and message are exposed and reinforced repeatedly with consumers, a unique benefit of promotional products over other types of marketing tools.

PERMACHARTS FACTOID: A Permachart has an average ownership lifespan of 7.5 years as the relevant information they contain is highly useful, informative and foundational not to mention very targeted. 

Do people really notice my logo and message on a giveaway?

Yes, and they remember it, too. A study conducted by PPAI Research indicated nearly 90 percent of people surveyed could recall the promotional product they received and the advertiser’s name. Nearly 75 percent of people also remembered the intended message.

My thoughts on promotional products are that they are a form of advertising. There are different ways they can be used. For example, given to existing customers as a reward or an incentive to shop again, handed out to potential new customers, being part of a larger promotional activity, establishing brand or product awareness, just to name a few.

If your business currently uses promotion items in your marketing or you are considering them for your next big promotion I encourage you to look to Permacharts for the best solution and if you want to find out more just click here.



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