A gift from the kitchen is a gift from the heart! This gift Guide has a wealth of ideas. This Guide provides a wealth of great gift giving ideas that are useful at holiday times and throughout the year. Cookies, cakes, candies, and savoury recipes are each featured; fun children's recipes are also included....
The sweep of American history is captured in this well researched Guide, an invaluable reference for both students and lovers of history. This authoritative Guide provides an excellent thumbnail historical sketch of every major development in the history of the United States from the pre-Columbus period to the present day....
Any one who loves entertaining and mixing drinks can be a bartending star with this great quick reference Guide! Bartending is elevated from a simple mixing of fluids to an art form through the tips and techniques advocated in this handy Guide. Methods to set up both a commercial bar and a private residence...
An American Classic This quick study guide is an essential resource for anyone studying A Streetcar Named Desire. This play is considered to be an epic work from Tennessee Williams. This laminated reference guide covers the basics, characters, symbols, setting, main plot, time & structure, themes, and a scene-by-scene play summary Ideal...
This Childhood Diseases Guide is the ultimate quick reference in the study and understanding of a wide variety of Childhood Diseases. This comprehensive, 2 - page laminated Guide provides both students and practitioners with an invaluable resource concerning the nature and extent of Childhood Diseases. The importance of vaccinations is stressed; important diseases...
Genetics is the study of heredity and variations observed in living organisms. This comprehensive quick reference Guide provides a wealth of easily accessible materials that range from genetics basics to the more sophisticated concepts associated with genetic mapping and selection. DNA and the key underlying genetic theories are explained with the...
The complexities of the human Foot and Ankle structures are described in this comprehensive Guide with the effective use of full colour diagrams, and corresponding text. The Foot and Ankle are examined from 8 separate perspectives for ease of reference, with its specific components numbered to provide a clear linkage to the...
This Guide is the ultimate quick reference source for Natural Arthritis Remedies! This Guide is a companion to Arthritis, as the key aspects of this disease are placed in an effective context with various treatment options. This Guide provides a systematic overview of the most common types of Arthritis, including: osteoarthritis; rheumatoid...
This wonderful quick reference Guide is filled with great aids to keep young people engaged in creative and absorbing crafts for hours on end. Crafts are a staple feature in any young child's development. This information packed Guide is a companion to the Art Crafts for Kids guide, and it provides a wealth...
This effective Guide brings clarity to one of the most important legal and social issues in the 21st Century. Climate change, greenhouse gases, and concerns about the deterioration of the environment have become a primary concern in American society. This Guide provides indispensible reference material for anyone who requires a better understanding...
Every joint (articulation) in the human body and its relationship to the ability to generate movement is described in this helpful Guide. All joint types are defined; 16 full colour figures are used to depict joint structure, with each component referenced through a numerical index.
This chakras and essential oils aromatherapy bundle was created due to the many requests we had from customers. In this bundle you receive both our chakras chart and aromatherapy chart. They are each 4 pages, 8.5" x 11" and laminated to last for every. Here are the details on each chart. This...
Package Contains: 2 Blank Royal Legal Forms 1 Full-size worksheet with step-by-step instructions Handy Quick Reference Guide This Royal Legal Form: Durable Power of Attorney Canadian legal forms kit. Do-it-yourself legal forms. Outlines the specific powers granted your agent in case you are unable to act on your own behalf Limits your...
This Physiotherapist medical anatomy office art bundle strikes the perfect balance between art and education. This anatomy poster bundle includes three 24" x 36" laminated posters. You will receive 1 copy of each of the following wall charts The Skeletal System The Muscular System The Nervous System Each anatomy poster includes incredible...
Take advantage of the high demand for good educational materials and consumer interest in raw vegan and organic foods. This Retail POP (point-of-purchase) merchandiser package is ideal for retail health and organic food stores, book shops, holistic health, and wellness related retail stores. This self-contained retail display unit is designed...
This quick reference study guide provides both concise text and organized summaries of all key astronomical science principles. In addition to easily understood information concerning basic features of the sky and universe, the underlying laws that govern aspects of Astronomy such as Celestial Mechanics are provided with supporting equations.
The Canadian Political Environment reference guide comprises the aspects of society that most often generate demands for political action. It includes interests related to geography, especially regionalism; those related to ethnicity, language and culture, such as Aboriginal peoples, French Canada, Quebec, and Ethnocultural minorities; and those related to such other...
The procedures followed in the prosecution of criminal cases are fundamental to a fair and effective Canadian criminal justice system. This information packed quick reference Guide provides anyone who seeks to understand Canada's criminal trial process with a comprehensive procedural summary. Various evidentiary and substantive law areas are effectively linked to this...
This chart explains the format, marking scheme, useful things to remember. It describes each section, such as analogies, sentence completions, critical reading, arithmetic, geometry, basic algebra, grid-ins and quantitative comparisons.
Understanding Nutrition is and easy to follow guide that will provide you with the concepts and terminology needed to understand how food works within your body. Armed with the understanding of digestion and food absorption, you will have the necessary information for making the right food choices that will lead...
EXPERTS AGREE...PROPER FOOD COMBINING ALLOWS QUICK ABSORPTION OF NUTRIENTS LEADING TO BETTER HEALTH Save time and stay on track with our Food Combining quick reference chart! Remind yourself of the rules of food combining. Always know what combinations are good and bad. Get a two-day meal plan, including delicious raw/vegan food...
Conquer the fear and anxiety of a public speaking assignment with the strategies contained in this effective Guide! Public speaking skills are ones that may be applied to many educational, Business & Business & Professional Development, and volunteer settings. This Guide helps any public speaker to better organize and plan their...
Strive for your best possible Emergency Medical Technician examination result with the help of the study tips and techniques contained in this useful Guide! This quick reference Guide explains the certification process required to achieve designation as a licensed Emergency Medical Technician. The relationship between this designation and that of Paramedic...
This comprehensive Guide builds upon the useful materials contained in Nursing I to provide a series of invaluable reference tools for all nursing professionals! This Guide is provided in conjunction with Nursing I as an effective aid for anyone engaged in the practice of nursing. The specialized preparation and administration of medications is...