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What is your Learning Style 0

We all learn differently, so that is not really news however what is important is everyone needs to understand what learning style works best for them. We found this interesting article for 2013 that it is still relevant today so have a read

Always keep this in mind; regardless of how you learn Permacharts are the go-to for those that want to learn any subject fast. Happy learning everyone.

Have you ever had to fire anyone? 0

One of the functions that managers face many times throughout their careers is have to fire someone. This could be one of the most difficult and most disliked of managerial tasks. Whether your job requires you to do this on a regular basis or once in a while, it can cause a great deal of stress.

Stress Management

Stress is the impact of wear and tear on your body as you experience everyday living. Everyone has stress and needs a certain amount to be productive. Too much stress can place high demands on your body and can have harmful effects on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

It is important to ask yourself if you are fighting stress or managing it. Fighting stress is destructive. Managing it is constructive. Next time you’re faced with a stressful situation, will you fight it or manage it?

Signs that you are fighting stress include:

  • ignoring feelings and denying stress
  • making excuses for mistakes
  • projecting your feelings onto others – taking it out on them
  • using crutches (e.g., caffeine, nicotine, drugs)
  • pushing yourself to the limit; persisting with futile deadlines; not relenting
  • escaping or giving in
  • being negative and pessimistic

Signs that you are managing stress include:

  • recognizing it, dealing with it and letting go of it
  • reframing mistakes as opportunities and learning from them
  • channelling your feelings in a positive manner (e.g., gym workout, rigorous walk, time out)
  • building a social support network, exercising and eating well
  • getting a good night’s sleep, taking a break, keeping it all in perspective
  • being proactive and maintaining control
  • being optimistic and using positive self-talk

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When you’re stressed or overwhelmed, where is the best place in the world for you to go to relax? 0

Topic #288 is courtesy of Scott Bekrun in The Daily Post. He asks, “When you’re stressed or overwhelmed, where is the best place in the world for you to go to relax?

For me, it’s my yoga mat.

Yoga is a discipline that combines exercises with relaxation techniques; the intent is to rejuvenate the body and free the mind from tension and fatigue. Yoga means unity or oneness, from the Sanskrit word “yug” (to join). You do not need to be flexible to practice yoga. People with varying levels of flexibility enjoy yoga and discover great improvements in their flexibility as they continue to practice. There are, however, some basic safety tips to follow.


  • Practice yoga in a quiet, restful place
  • Follow the exercises carefully
  • Stop if you feel any pain
  • Keep breathing deeply to relax the body
  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Keep your feet bare for traction


  • Undertake yoga if you are pregnant, unfit, or suffering from any injury or medical disorder before consulting your health care povider
  • Rush through the movement; give yourself the time to enjoy the postures
  • Hyper-extend or lock the knee
  • Perform yoga on a full stomach; wait one hour after a light meal and four hours after a heavy meal
  • Expect that you will be able to imitate the postures right away

This helpful Quick Tip was brought to you by Permacharts

Yoga reference guide


All Permacharts are laminated on both sides with a sealed edge to ensure product is waterproof and tear proof. The product comes with our limited lifetime warranty against peeling and delaminating.

To order any products from our complete line of Permacharts, click the Shop Now button and search.

Why Are Acupuncture Points so Important? 0

There are countless debates pertaining to whether the practice of acupuncture really works to treat various ailments. Reports range from incidents of migraine relief to nausea from chemotherapy. There are even studies being conducted on animals. But how can we know for sure that your acupuncturist is hitting the right points?

When it comes to alternative medicine, there is no real way for patients to familiarize themselves with the standard of practice for diagnosing and treating problems that all practitioners must be held accountable to. This is what makes it so difficult to assess whether or not acupuncture really works.

So the best way of addressing this problem is by referring to an acupuncture reference guide. And there are very good reasons to begin using this tool.

1. You can refer to a trusted standardized set of principles. An acupuncture reference guide will help you understand what each acupuncture point is supposed to do and where each one is, before you even talk to your acupuncturist. Just make sure you use a trusted company like Permacharts, who ensures that their reference guides are well researched and written by a subject matter expert, so you can assess your own practitioner’s practice.

2. You can take a proactive role in the treatment of your own ailments. With a bit of knowledge under your belt, you can take a more active and collaborative role in your treatment.

This Permacharts Guide provides a comprehensive summary of all human meridians in a full color, full body format.Price: $5.95




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